Send direct WhatsApp to number without saving contact
Send WhatsApp message directly without saving the number in your phone contact. Select country of person, enter their mobile number (without country code), write your message and click on Send button.
What is Direct WhatsApp Sender?
Whenever we want to send WhatsApp message to any new mobile number, we have to first save the number in our phone contact list, then only we can send the message. But we don't want to save every number in our contact if the person is unknown to us. Direct WhatsApp Sender removes this problem. We can easily send our message directly from here to any mobile number without saving the number in contact. Isn't this great?
How does Direct WhatsApp Sender work?
We use WhatsApp server API to communicate with their server to pass the message to their servers and then the message is send using the app installed in your phone/laptop.
Is Direct WhatsApp Sender safe?
Absolutely! 100%. We do not store any information about. We only pass on your message to whatsapp servers. It is completely secured using SSL connection.
Is there any limit on number of message we can send?
No. We don't have any limit on number of messages you can send using our free tool. You can send as many messages as you want.
Is there any charge for Direct WhatsApp Sender?
It's completely free! There is absolutely no charge for using our free tool to send direct whatsapp message to any mobile number.
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